The Future of Biofuels: Alcohol Fermentatio



For 5 Groups. Ethanol fermentation is the most common
method for biofuel production worldwide. In this experiment,
students will use smallscale flask fermenters to quantify
ethanol production and sugar utilization by Saccharomyces
cerevisiae. By controlling variables such as temperature
and aeration, the students can compare the eciency of the
fermentations over a three day experiment
For 5 Groups. Bioprocessing is the production and isolation
of desired products from living cells. In this introduction to
bioprocessing, students will use small-scale fermenters to
produce chromogenic proteins using E. coli. Protein extracts will
then be separated using column chromatography to analyze the
success of the fermentation process. Finally, the protein solutions
will be examined by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to
determine the purity of the chromogenic proteins
The Future of Biofuels:
Alcohol Fermentatio
Cat. #304


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