Crime Scene Bundle Carolina



Combining years of fingerprinting expertise, the folks
at Sirchie® have developed an easier way to dust for
latent prints. Using specially designed applicators and
magnetic powder, forensic investigators can quickly and
easily dust for fingerprints on almost any surface. The
Standard Applicator is designed for precision dusting
on small to medium surfaces; the Megawand Applicator
gives expanded coverage for large surfaces. Pairing these
applicators with the specially formulated Black Magnetic
Powder or Orange Magnetic Powder (1 oz each) can make
teaching dusting for fingerprints exciting and fun, while
keeping cleanup to a minimum. The orange powder is
also fluorescent, adding another level of analysis to your
evidence collection activities

211950 tandard Applicator
211951 Megawand Applicator
211955 Black Magnetic Powder
211956 Orange Magnetic Powde

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