Michelson Interferometer

SKU: SP4-1727 Category:


Magnetic optical components, gridded base
This new twist on the Michelson-Morley device measures
the small differences in time needed for 2 separate light
beams to travel 2 different paths. An interference pattern
is produced by splitting a beam of light into two paths,
bouncing the beams back and recombining them. The
different paths may be of different lengths or composed of
different materials to create alternating interference fringes
on a screen. Positioning the magnetic optical components
on our metal base is easy and accurate. The distance
can be adjusted without a ruler as the base contains a
permanent grid at a 45° angle. Unlike other models, we
include all parts needed to measure the coefficient of
linear expansion of a metal. Contains metal base with
scale; optical components with magnets; 3 rods: brass,
aluminum, steel.


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